Showing posts with label Breath of Fire. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Breath of Fire. Show all posts

Bloomingdale (Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies)

Storm clouds may block the sun, and the night can fall so hard it hides the moon and stars, but the Blooming Beacon never dims.
Its light will never die as long as there is hope in the world. And no matter how dark things become, we have to keep on hoping. 
Look hard enough, and you'll always find the light. Words to live your life by, if you ask me.

- old man at the light house of Bloomingdale

Breath of Fire I

People live and die, as countless as stars in the sky.
As fleeting as foam in water...
Why are we brought into the world, only to depart so quickly?
On a cosmic scale, our lives flash by in the blink of an eye.